What is the difference between educational and recreational activities?


Corporate training

Corporate leisure

The goal is to solve specific problems: communication, interaction in construction

The goal is an overall growth of the corporate spirit, increases loyalty

A small number of participants (up to 30)

A large number of participants (as a rule, all employees of the company)

There are objective preconditions to achieve: lack of interaction, leadership crisis, start of a new project

There is a date that coincides with the celebration

Employee participation is required

Employee participation is voluntary

During the games, participants analyze their behavior and mistakes, looking for new opportunities for action

During games, spontaneous interaction unfolds.

The process is led by a trainer

The process is led by an informal instructor or situation leader

Leaders are sure to change. All employees can be in the leadership role.

The leader is spontaneously determined and can gain power for the entire period of the game.

Conflicts are discovered and resolved

The group avoids or does not resolve conflicts

After the game, an analysis of successes and failures is made, feedback is given, conclusions are drawn

After the game, a photo stand is formed.

Should I evaluate the effectiveness of the event?

Corporate events as a strategic management tool relate to personnel investments. And if this is an investment, then you can estimate their rate of return.

The most common model for estimating return on investment is the D. Kirkpatrick model, which contains 4 levels:

Level of reaction. How satisfied are the employees with participating in this activity

Level of study. Knowledge what knowledge did they gain during the event?

Behavior level. Has the behavior of participants in the workplace changed?

Level of result. What is the economic effect after the event.

ROI \ u003d (Event Revenue - Event Cost) / Project Cost (cost) X100%

But calculating ROI in practice is not so easy. If objective estimation of event costs is still possible, then how to calculate the net profit that the Company received as a result of the event. Various economic indicators, for example, sales, in addition to employee activities, are influenced by many other factors, for which it is almost impossible to calculate the weight coefficient.

Is it necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing activities? In my opinion, yes. But only if:

The objectives of the event are intertwined with the strategic objectives of the Company

The cost of the event is very high.

A lot of preparation time is spent

There is a requirement from the top management of the company.

The performance appraisal procedure helps identify and correct weaknesses in the ongoing events system and increase employee satisfaction and loyalty. And the effect of successfully implemented corporate events can be much higher than by introducing new technologies and getting credit.

With the help of well thought out and organized events, the corporate culture not only becomes the hallmark of the Company but also begins to bring tangible profits.

Typical internal corporate PR measures are usually divided into the following groups. Various forms of official corporate internal communication. For example, regular management appeals to their subordinates by explaining the current situation and prospects of the organization; the solemn summary of the year (month, quarter, etc.) in the form of collective meetings (often continued in an "informal setting", but more on that below); extracorporeal means of communication - from wall newspapers to well-known production newspapers - "multi-circulation", known in old Soviet times; the very creation of an open atmosphere, when a subordinate is not afraid of the director's office more than anything else, but knows that on certain days and hours, he can turn his head "directly" (of course, this should be the exception rather than the rule - however, no one in the production hierarchy is canceled). Various forms of informal communication. First of all, these are corporate holidays in many forms - from "all-corporate" celebrations to modest "corporate picnics". However, as Russian experts say, in the context of "Russian management" picnics sometimes poured into something that is embarrassing to remember in the morning ...sometimes pour into something that is embarrassing to remember in the morning ...sometimes pour into something that is embarrassing to remember in the morning ...
The main thing in all these events is to clearly show their (strategic) goal to assemble the team, and not on a negative basis (not everyone likes superiors), but on a positive one - everyone believes in the organization's victory over competitors and their personal benefit from

from this. You also need to clearly define tactical goals and tasks, namely "organizing an event, ask yourself - what do we want to achieve with this?" - succeeded? Popular options like “rest, join, drink, talk” do more harm than good!
And remember, by the way, that not every team can cultivate a love for superiors, but every team can win such a love. A well-thought-out and focused system of events included.
According to a study conducted by one and: * Russian marketing agencies, 75% of companies participating in the study have a regulated (open) system of employee motivation. The larger the company, the higher the chance of such a system. Among enterprises with 300 employees, 83% of organizations have employee motivation systems. A slightly smaller number of companies have a special item in the annual budget for staff motivation. Only 57% of respondents have noticed the existence of such a position in their company budget.
What does the event have to do with appearance? Above all, we explored the key areas of staff motivation in the previous chapter. But the fact is that most companies studied as tools of intangible motivation use exactly corporate events for employees (94% of surveyed organizations) and staff training (70% of respondents). Moreover, if corporate events are organized in companies more often than employee training, then the effectiveness of these intangible motivation methods is estimated to be approximately the same. Corporate events consider effective 53% of respondents, training - 55%.
The most popular corporate holidays, which include: calendar holidays, company birthdays, weekend programs with village trips, sports competitions, etc. 80% of the organizations participating in the study conduct business events: conferences, seminars, presentations or meetings of merchants. 80% of surveyed companies provide training for their employees. "Team building" events are organized in only 33% of companies, but this trend, being in vogue today, is gaining momentum (the team building system will be discussed in more detail below).

However, corporate celebrations have a particularly serious effect on the loyalty of the company's employees - such is the opinion of many local managers regarding staff. Therefore, such events should be given special attention, performing them on a large scale and imagination. For example, the company Norilsk Nickel on its birthday organizes corporate competitions from the capital of Taimyr Dudinka to Norilsk. Senior management also competes in banners, torches and T-shirts with company logos.
But it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on this type of stock. Many corporate stocks can be free. For example, a children's drawing contest "My parents work for Norilsk Nickel" required very little expense (in the same way you can enter your company here). Everything at the Norilsk Nickel, including the children's award ceremony, costs the company $ 60,000 (everything can cost you $ 60,000, or even 6,000 rubles on a smaller scale!). The effect of such actions is invaluable, because many will come as whole families to see how the child will get a toy bear for the painted rabbit. And positive emotions will be associated with the company that organized this celebration. In other words, as experts say, thanks to corporate holidays,a person starts working not only for money but also because he is happy to receive bears as a gift, run with torches and generally work with such wonderful people.
And the company spins its employees on a steamboat and carries picnics, calling it loyalty programs and spending from it 0.1% of annual turnover. 
But this is a holiday. But he, but the opinion of many, gathers the collective does not contribute. It is a matter of team building, i.e., training in team building, when managers, for the sake of developing a team spirit, are taken from the city to climb rocks or climb trees. Moreover, it is estimated that, say, a trip to the Moscow region for a company with 400 people costs from 20 to 100 thousand dollars. This equates to an increase in the monthly salary of each employee 320. But, according to experts metropolitan, this is miserable (for Moscow, with its own regions Also consider) many employees would consider the pay rise as a mockery, but after corporate picnics, staff service executives note a steady increase in labor productivity.

Courtesy:Corporate Event Venue in Lahore



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