10 tips for a successful corporate event


This year, you are honored to host an important upcoming corporate event. Maybe a new office will open in another city, maybe it’s a business inauguration, or maybe you’re preparing for an annual review meeting. Whatever the event is, figuring it out will come with a lot of responsibility. But no worries - just follow the tips below and you will definitely have great success!


1. The basics

Write down some very important basic questions for yourself: Who? How many? Why? Where? How much? What kind of venue would you need? Are there guests outside the company? What kind of event would be most suitable? Maybe a bigger cocktail party character? Or a more restrained dinner? Maybe team building games? Who will be there from your own company? Why is this event needed? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE WHOLE? Who is responsible for sending out invitations and counting feedback?


A thousand questions, and you have to find the answers to all of them. However, once you have these, you can already narrow down the options and make it easier to make the next decisions as well. Until these are put together, don’t even think about things anymore!


2. Reconcile with the calendar

But not just your own - every calendar that can be connected! But how is that to be understood? See when there are major relevant events, possibly school breaks, holidays, etc. and based on these, look for a date that is favorable to as many people as possible (so it doesn’t conflict with any other important event).


It’s a good idea to plan at least eight weeks in advance and send the date no later than six weeks before the date, and invitations seven weeks in advance. It is recommended to send reminders to guests two weeks before the event.


3. The location

It is very important that the venue fits the nature of the event. It is recommended to take into account the transport network of the given settlement (bus routes, etc.) and their traffic. In a larger city, locations close to bus stops can become more crowded after hours.


So make sure the venue reflects the atmosphere of the event and is easily accessible, whether by car or public transport.


The best location in Lahore is in Serene Event Complex, Serene Event Complex is easily accessible by car and public transport, it is located in a wonderful environment, and there are also several rooms available for those interested. If you want to get to know the rooms a little better,


4. The invitations

The invitations no later than 4 weeks before the event. It also hurts to send a reminder of the event to those invited for two weeks.


5. Pay attention to the needs of those invited

When compiling invitations and giving feedback options, make sure that invitees can leave comments about their possible individual needs. Guests may find people who are allergic to certain foods or those who need to be able to move around on site.

6. How will the event take place?

Who will be in charge of the event on site? If you are not attending the event in person, who will the guests be able to contact with their questions? What will be the menu? Buffet or pre-prepared dishes? Who handles special requests and needs and how? A separate document should include contact information and key parts of the event step by step.


7. Reception of guests

As if you were just doing it yourself at home, have one or more people greet you in person. If you have a check-in system or provide nameplates for guests, make sure there is enough space between the reception desk and the entrance to avoid long lines. VIP guests (if any are invited) are of course advised to have separate entry, not to mention the VIP staff.


8. Have fun!

If you are also attending the event, introduce yourself in a short opening and say a few words about the company to the guests. Also talk about the guests, of course refrain from topics that may be unpleasant for anyone. Most importantly: have fun! The more calm the person who moves the threads (you), the smoother the events will be, and the sooner and more efficient you will be able to solve any problems.


9. Send out the afterword

After the event, it is recommended to thank guests for their participation in an email and give them the opportunity to send feedback on their experiences. Also, ask your co-workers for their opinions and always write down what was proven and what were the things that should be done differently next time.


10. The others…

Is it possible that there will be a similar event sometime? Maybe just like that? You may want to gather the venues and event types that are most appropriate for your business and plan for them in the future!

Courtesy:Corporate Event Venue in Lahore


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