Big Event Planning Mistakes You Can Prevent Now

The products made by the event planner are smooth and fast. Events can be negatively impacted by a variety of circumstances, and once damage is done, it is usually impossible to "try again." This is why planning requires devotion to details. A small mistake can set a chain reaction that is difficult to recover from. Listed below are 5 such errors, so be sure to add them to your checklist of preventable disasters.

Not Allowing Enough Setup Time

There is always a race against time when creating an event, but you should have an estimate of how much time you need to get it all. Nothing looks worse than having a room full of employees running around when the first guest arrives. The goal is to have everything at least 15 minutes before the door opens.

No Scheduling Walk-through with Clients

Spreadsheet orders, emails and banquet events are great tools for conveying event details. However, relying solely on documents to draw pictures of the event can lead to confusion. A better strategy is to browse the itinerary with your customers on site when possible. Discuss every moment and in detail as if the event were happening in front of you.

Forgot to Verify Your Vendor

Your average event vendor serves a wide range of customers across a number of different categories.

In short, this means they need to remember a lot. You always want to get verified confirmation or email from all vendors 48 hours before setup time. Emails are usually better because you can outline your expectations and ask them to respond in writing.

Facing Competitive Events

If you have ever had a “noisy neighbor” then you already know how to interrupt this situation.

Going to other events in your area can be a big challenge, which is why you should discuss this scenario first with your venue management and customers. Find out who will share the same common areas and public resources with you, and identify who has the power to solve sound problems if they become a problem.

Does Not Have a Contingency Plan

What happens to your event in case of bad weather, or even the closure of your venue? These are not easy things to plan for, but they make it impossible to manage on the day of the show. Plan your contingency strategy at least 2 weeks in advance for a good move. Even if you plan to cancel the event, you still need a well-organized method of contacting all your guests.

Not Having Enough Help on Event Day

Labor costs are always a problem when trying to balance event budgets. That being said, the lack of hand assistance can cause bigger problems than overcoming estimates. You can’t expect to do everything yourself if you are an event planner. Coordinating employees, vendors, and details is enough to keep you busy on your own. Don’t be afraid to spend a few hundred dollars to hire extra workers because you will never get things moving.

Not Using Packaging Lists

Managing off-site events usually requires an extensive supply list. Of course, you usually have a few weeks to get all these supplies in order, but they will not do anything good if they never do it somewhere. The packing list provides instant refreshment on things you need to load into the car. Sure, you’ll probably find pens and tape to borrow on the spot, but what happens if you forget your name tag or your laptop? Make a packing list and double check before you leave.

The good news is that this event planning mistake is easily prevented. In fact, you can print this article and post it as a reminder of what not to do. Remember, prevention is always easier than recovery!

Courtesy:corporate event planner in Lahore



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